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909 Highams Ct, Woodbridge, VA 22191

You are relaxing at home, and suddenly a drop of water falls on your head. You look up at your roof, and there it is- a leak! Roof leaks can be annoying and can end up costing you big time. Although you can place a bucket to prevent damage to your floors, that is not a proper long-term fix.

And although the rainy season has stopped (at least we hope so!), a leak can become a major problem next time it rains. So before you begin thinking about roofing replacement in the Woodbridge VA area, let us walk you through a list of things that you should do as soon as you notice your roof leaking.


Where is it coming from?

The leak can definitely be coming from your roof, but let’s make sure it actually is. Sometimes the water drips could be coming from a toilet or water machine. Ensure that this is not a plumbing issue before you start looking for a roofing replacement contractor in the Woodbridge area.

Tip: When heading to the attic to look for the leak, bring a flashlight! Shine the flashlight at the roof of the attic to pinpoint the holes and any water damage.


Find a temporary fix

Once you have confirmed that is a leak, it’s time to take care of it! Before you call MidAtlantic Contracting for roofing replacement in Woodbridge VA, you can use a couple of things to take care of the leak.

  • An easy and quick short-term solution is plugging the leak with roofing tape or roofing cement.
  • A more long-term solution is placing a tarp over the leak, so no water gets in.

Remember that these are temporary fixes and the roofing tape and cement won’t protect you home from storms and may cause water damage. Same goes for the tarp, while it does a better job at covering the leak, it decreases your home’s curb appeal, and your HOA might not allow it.

We hope these tips help you take care of the problem for now, but once you are ready to actually fix the problem, you can give MidAtlantic Contracting a call at 703-492-4663. We will send our professional team to your home, and they will let you know if its a quick fix like repairing a few shingles or a bigger job like a roofing replacement in Woodbridge VA.

But don’t wait too long! The longer you wait, the more damage the leak causes to your roof and home. So contact us today at 703-492-4663 or fill out our contact form.

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